This chart shows the estimated share of U.S. residents aged 13-17 who have received at least one dose of the HPV vaccine.
This chart shows the countries with the highest share of children not vaccinated against diphteria, tetanus and pertussis.
The e-commerce leader in Europe is Amazon - but Chinese ventures into international e-commerce, for example AliExpress or ...
This infographic shows the share of respondents who answered the question "online travel platforms enable my accommodation ...
The United States is the most valuable beauty and personal care market in the world. Consumer demand and expenditure, as well as purchase behavior, are some of the most important aspects driving ...
Social media’s reach is far and wide. The usage of online networks is expanding along with the global digital population, proving that social media and the internet go hand in hand. Platforms ...
Who may use the "Chart of the Day"? The Statista "Chart of the Day", made available under the Creative Commons License CC ...
This chart shows the top 5 most often citied major issues for the U.S., by political orientation (in percent).
× Zoomable Statistic: Select the range in the chart you want to zoom in on.
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Over 280 million people across the globe are estimated to be migrants, meaning that around 3.6 percent of the world's ...