Whether or not America's best beaches are within driving distance of you, they should certainly be on your travel bucket list. Yes, we’re pretty much always ready for a sun-filled day (or five) at the ...
What languages are most spoken around the world? Well, that can be a tricky question. While we have a pretty good idea of how many people speak the major languages of the world, determining where they ...
If you're curious about this colorful, mystical culture that held one of the largest empires in the ancient world, check out these facts about the Mayans. If you've ever visited Cancun or Playa del ...
Some countries are more lovable than others — but which countries in Europe are the best to live in and visit? Europe — the land of high culture, high fashion, delicious food and centuries-spanning ...
Every country will argue that its capital city is the best of the best (as they should!). Yes, tourism numbers may show favorites based on popularity, but does that mean the most-visited capital ...
Nothing is better than a well-made, juicy burger. And as the land of burgers, the United States has countless burger restaurants. There are also countless variations of burgers, ranging from the ...
America is home to some affordable beach towns that come with beautiful stretches of coastline without the hefty price tag. Life’s a beach, right? Or, at least, for many of us, we wish it were. We’ve ...
If you’ve only been to Cuba or the Bahamas and think you’ve “done” the Caribbean, you might want to reconsider. After all, no two Caribbean countries are alike. The Caribbean boasts about 700 ...
The Caribbean is a special place. With warm turquoise waters, delicious food and some of the largest coral reefs in the world, what's not to love? First dominated by Taino natives, the region is now a ...
30 Best Museums in the U.S. There are more than 35,000 museums in the United States — an impressive figure, even when considering the massive size of the country. It’s impossible to visit them all, of ...
The English may have invented the sandwich, but it's safe to say the Americans have perfected it. From the humble grilled cheese to slow-cooked pulled pork, there's something for everyone at ...
Given that pastrami sandwiches and Jewish delis basically go hand in hand, it's not surprising that the word "pastrami" has Yiddish roots. The Yiddish "pastrame” is partly of Romanian origin and ...