Ce programme triennal créera plus de 200 000 places nouvelles et modernisées pour les élèves afin de répondre aux pressions croissantes dues aux inscriptions en Alberta.
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Try our new Search AI tool as an alternative to the search below to improve your experience on Alberta.ca using artificial intelligence. See the AISearch fact sheet for more information. 67% of ...
This 3-year program will create more than 200,000 new and modernized student spaces to address Alberta’s growing enrolment pressures. Alberta’s population is growing exponentially as more people from ...
Premier Danielle Smith outlines the government's vision for the province and plans to help Albertans through the affordability crisis and address other urgent challenges while maintaining fiscal ...
Les femmes qui étudient dans les domaines techniques ou les arts appliqués en vue d’occuper des postes dans les industries culturelles où elles sont souvent sous-représentées peuvent poser leur candid ...
The Research Infrastructure (RI) stream coordinates with the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Innovation Fund to invest in transformative research infrastructure projects of strategic ...
When a substance is released, it is essential to conduct an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). The Alberta Environmental Site Assessment Standard provides minimum requirements for ESA site ...
Commercial Timber Permits (CTPs) are timber dispositions issued pursuant to section 22 of the Forests Act, and sections 37 to 41 of the Timber Management Regulation authorizing a person to harvest ...
Women studying technical or applied arts roles within cultural industries where they are often underrepresented in their field can apply. The Women in Technical and Applied Arts Scholarship will open ...
Note, species status as presented within publications may have changed since the publication date. Current general and detailed status is listed for each species. Review how Alberta identifies, ...
This directive sets out the hours that government offices are open, hours that managers, opted out, and excluded employees normally work, and times and lengths of lunch and rest periods. Hours of work ...