"Local organizations and communities are closest to the crisis, and that gives them a really unique take on the issues at hand. They're usually the first people responding in an emergency," said ...
"Afghan citizens, especially women and girls, have suffered for far too long," said a joint statement. “Day by day, Afghan ...
The United States appreciates Haiti’s leaders putting aside their differences, working together to put the country on the path to free and fair elections,” said Secretary Blinken.
Together, we're working to make sure that Ukraine can defend its territory against the ongoing aggression, that it will be ...
The code has been copied to your clipboard. The URL has been copied to your clipboard Eleven years ago this month, the United Nations Security Council, responding to the Syrian government’s horrific ...
The Nicaraguan people want and deserve a restored democracy where all can exercise their human rights and fundamental ...
The code has been copied to your clipboard. The URL has been copied to your clipboard ...
“We do remain concerned about the number of executions in Iran and most importantly how those executions are carried out,” said State Department Spokesperson Miller.
“The arbitrary and politically motivated action demonstrates the extraordinary lengths to which Nicolás Maduro will go to try and maintain power following his attempt to steal the July 28th ...
以下是一篇反映美国政府政策立场的社论: 美国对巴基斯坦宗教自由受到的威胁感到关切。美国国际发展署(USAID)副助理署长安加利·考尔(Änjali Kaur)在美国国际宗教自由委员会(USCIRF)的一个会议 ...
미국 정부의 견해를 반영하는 논평입니다. 2007년 7월 아프리카 수단 다르푸르 지역에서 얀자위드 민병대가 주민들을 잔인하게 살해하자 유엔은 이 사태를 중단시키고 안정시키기 위해 평화 ...