Last year some economists documented something both surprising and sensible about social media: many people would pay a lot to keep using their favorite platforms, and they would pay a lot if all ...
Join the Rebooting Social Media Institute (RSM) and Applied Social Media Lab (ASML) teams! We are looking for research assistants (RAs) with fresh ideas, curiosity, and creative drive.
About the Communications Research Assistants: Are you interested in communications? The BKC communications team is seeking one or more creative, highly motivated candidates to work on a range of ...
Dr. Elisabeth Sylvan’s lifelong interest is in sociotechnical systems that support creativity, shared knowledge, and learning. Thematically, her work focuses on emerging technologies including ...
Jonathan Zong is a computer scientist and visual artist who uses design to understand and reimagine socio-technical systems. He completed his Ph.D. at MIT with the Visualization Group, and will be ...
Bridget Todd is the creator and host of iHeartRadios' award winning tech podcast There Are No Girls on the Internet, which explores the intersection of technology and identity. Her miniseries on ...
Marshall Van Alstyne is the Questrom Chair of Information Studies at Boston University, where he studies the economics of information. He holds a BA in Computer Science from Yale as well as MS and PhD ...
Ezekiel Kwetchi Takam is a doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Geneva and a former visiting PhD researcher at Cambridge University’s Leverhulme Centre for the Future of ...
Gretchen Krueger is an AI policy researcher focused on increasing accountability in AI development. At the Berkman Klein Center, she will study and map the wider AI and human systems that surround and ...
Qunfang Wu is a technological activist researcher dedicated to empowering marginalized populations by integrating their voices into the understanding, design, and critique of technology. Her research ...
Upol Ehsan makes AI systems explainable and responsible so that people who aren't at the table do not end up on the menu. He is a doctoral candidate at Georgia Tech and an affiliate at Data & Society.
George Chalhoub is an assistant professor at University College London and an associate member at the University of Oxford. He holds a PhD in cybersecurity from the University of Oxford, where he also ...