The last of Witkacy’s dramas and also one of his most important works, it is referred to as a ‘masterpiece of bad taste’ and ...
Agnieszka Zawisza's work blends a visceral connection to nature with a vibrant, dreamlike depiction of landscapes. Her paintings evoke a sense of well-being and freedom, using colour and light to ...
Awesome great-grandmothers and the rights of women, forest democracy and mindfulness. What else are contemporary Polish writers – Olga Tokarczuk and Magdalena Tulli among others – talking about to our ...
Notesy Andrzeja Wajdy to nie tylko uzupełnienie prywatnego portretu wielkiego reżysera, ale też rozpisana na niemal osiemdziesiąt lat opowieść o losie artysty i istocie sztuki, burzliwej historii ...
The polonaise is a simple yet graceful Polish national dance – one of five, along with the mazur, krakowiak, oberek and kujawiak. Its name comes from the French language, in which la danse polonaise ...
‘Wielka droga’, directed by Michał Waszyński, made in Italy in 1946, is the first post-war Polish feature film. However, the first copy of this movie did not come to Poland until 1962, and due to the ...
Yes, I permit this data to be processed so that I can receive the newsletter, which sometimes includes info about other ...
由威尼斯建築師雷納托·里齊(Renato ...
"Przenikanie się różnych wpływów i poplątane losy są charakterystyczne dla kultur pogranicza." Rozmowa z autorką książki "Król Warmii i Saturna".
The Korean word 'sound' means sledding in Japanese. For me, who was born, grew up in Korea, studied, and produced artworks in Japan, the word 'so-ri' reminds me of a scene of a sled running through ...
Cesarzowa imperium piękna, które sama stworzyła. Podarowała kobietom twarz bez zmarszczek i zrelaksowane ciało. Gdyby żyła dziś, byłaby królową Instagrama – uwielbiała się fotografować, a jej ...
A provincial western and a black-and-white love ballad, a metaphysical feminist horror, a daring portrait of Generation Z and dystopian science fiction from Silesia. Here are the best Polish ...