In the piece, the argument of string theory critics is given as: ...
A few weeks ago I recorded a podcast with Robinson Erhardt, which has now appeared as String Theory and the Crisis in Physics. We mainly talk about the current situation of string theory in physics ...
I recently did another podcast with Curt Jaimungal, on the topic of unification, which is now available here. As part of this I prepared some slides, which are available here. The main goal of the ...
Lectures: We are going to grow a concept map of Milne's result and nearby mathematics during the seminar. The speakers are requested to email Daniel Halpern-Leistner (preferably just before giving the ...
Graeme Baker is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Statistics, and his research interests are in probability theory, partial differential equations, and applications of these fields. His ...
Welcome to my website! I am a PhD student in Mathematics at Columbia University, advised by Ivan Corwin. I am interested in a variety of topics in probability, combinatorics, and mathematical physics, ...
This is the webpage for the section of Undergraduate Seminars I focused on Fermat's last theorem. A tentative syllabus can be found here; further details and materials will appear soon.
The Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Fridays at 3:30 pm in 407 Mathematics Hall on the Columbia campus. The seminar is organized by Giulia Saccà, James Hotchkiss, and Yoon-Joo Kim.
The program may be followed either full-time or part-time. International students on F-1 or J-1 visas must register full-time. Full-time students complete the program in two or three semesters, while ...