Healthy mountain ecosystems help buffer the impacts of climate change for local communities, wildlife and downstream populations worldwide. Locally, mountain people rely on their surrounding ...
Southern African Plant Specialist Group (SAPSG) is charged with assessing the status of southern African endemic plants, and ensuring sustainability and adequate protection of these plants. I have ...
The Governance, Rights and Equity theme within WCPA brings together expertise on rights-based conservation, governance diversity and equitable governance, and diverse values of protected and conserved ...
After years of dedicated marine protection efforts, Churna Island has finally been designated as the second Marine Protected Area (MPA) by the Government of Balochistan. This long-awaited decision ...
Whether you would like to join IUCN as a conservation specialist, become a donor or partner, be part of our staff team, or learn about the most pressing conservation issues; here are some steps you ...
Of the 24 species of crocodilian, 7 are currently listed as Critically Endangered, 4 as Vulnerable, 12 as Least Risk. The IUCN SSC Crocodile Specialist Group (CSG) is a worldwide network of biologists ...
This Group is a global network of experts who volunteer their time and expertise to build a scientific and practical foundation for the conservation of orchids (Orchidaceae) Orchidaceae are the ...
Changes have already been observed in a wide range of components of the Earth’s climate system (Garcia et al., 2014b), and ongoing changes are predicted, including in long term climate patterns and ..
An Internationally Designated Area (IDA) is a natural area internationally recognised by a global or regional designation mechanism. Among these, there are 263 areas where different IDAs fully or ...
Building resilience into mangrove conservation plans requires an understanding of how mangroves will respond to climate changes, what factors help them survive these changes, and, consequently, which ...
Oil crops – plant seeds and fruits ranging from soybean and sunflower to palm and coconuts – occupy around 543 million hectares of land across the globe, accounting for roughly 37% of the total land ...
Globally, oceans have lost around 2% of dissolved oxygen since the 1950s and are expected to lose about 3–4% by the year 2100 under a business-as-usual scenario (Representative Concentration Pathway 8 ...