A recent study from Harvard University’s Opportunity Insights analyzes changes in economic opportunity using new data on 57 ...
Join us for CID's 2024 Open House at Harvard Kennedy School! Come meet CID faculty, fellows, students, and staff, and learn more about the work that we do and how you can get involved. All are welcome ...
2020, Paper: "In this study, we analyze the impacts of minimum wages on firms’ robot adoption using novel panel data related to robots imported by firms in China from 2001 to 2012, a period when most ...
2021, Paper: "We characterize optimal monetary policy in response to asymmetric shocks that shift demand from one sector to another, a condition arguably faced by many economies emerging from the ...
2020, Paper, "The experimental method not only helps identify causal relationships, but also provides economists with a rich sense of context, focuses research on specific practical questions, ...
June 2020, Paper, "How quickly will American businesses reopen after COVID-19 lockdowns end? We use a nationwide survey of small businesses to measure firms’ expectations about their re-opening and ...
2022, Book: "This book assesses major schools of thought in macroeconomic theory between the Great Depression and the Long Recession, focusing on their analysis of cycles, crises and macro-policy. It ...
June 2020, Paper, "Does more activity in open source lead to more entrepreneurial activity and, if so, how much, and in what direction? This study measures how participation on the GitHub open source ...
September-October 2020, Paper: "The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerabilities in the production strategies and supply chains of firms everywhere. Coupled with a rise in economic nationalism, ...
November 30, 2023, Video: "The role of immigration in shaping the nation's economy remains a hotly contested area of debate. Factors such as the real economic benefits of high-skilled versus ...
Noevember 2021, Opinion: "Barry Eichengreen, Asmaa El-Ganainy, Rui Esteves, and Kris James Mitchener present a valuable, detailed account of the evolution of public debt instruments and institutions ...
June 14, 2021, Video: "The 2020-21 Arnold C. Harberger Lecture on Economic Development with Carmen Reinhart, Vice President & Chief Economist of the World Bank Group. June 14, 2021. Carmen M. Reinhart ...