Counties and states where jails and prisons are packed are more likely to have higher rates of cancer, new research ...
College students who vape may be harming their ability to learn, remember and problem solve. A new study conducted at two ...
A few cups of coffee each morning can help protect a person against heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, a new ...
For the second time this year, the Senate plans to vote Tuesday on a law that would create a nationwide right to IVF ...
Millions more people will die annually from antibiotic-resistant infections over the next 25 years unless steps are ...
Most parents are placing their kids in harms’ way by moving them out of their car booster seat too soon, a new study ...
With implications for research around postpartum depression and other health issues, scientists have tracked the chan ...
Fatty liver disease linked to diabetes and obesity can easily progress to liver cirrhosis, but new research suggests ...
For the first time, scientists have detected microscopic microplastics lodged in the human brain.Researchers in Germa ...
People with rare genetic variants linked to degenerative brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease are at increased ri ...