The plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies votes, as a decision-making body, on the draft law on gambling, by which the ...
The written test took place yesterday, in 114 competition centers from 41 counties and the city of Bucharest. The national ...
The reinstatement of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission, which would take place today in the ...
Pillar II funds began to receive, from March, monthly transfers increased to 4.75% of the gross income of employees*Finances ...
The budget deficit continued its decline in the second financial quarter as well, its growth being a little smoother compared ...
The admission exam in the fields of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, as well as at the Faculty of Midwifery and Medical ...
The days are getting longer, scientists say. Imperceptible to humans, but the change is not negligible. Climate change, which ...
*Acţiunile Banca Transilvania - pe prima treaptă în topul rulajuluiIndicii Bursei de Valori Bucureşti (BVB) au avut în mare ...
*Fondurile Pilon II au început să primească, din martie, viramentele lunare mărite la 4,75% din venitul brut al ...
Deficitul bugetar a continuat să crească şi în trimestrul al II-lea, adâncirea lui fiind un pic mai lină faţă de primele trei ...
Concurenţa la admiterea în învăţământul superior este tot mai mare la anumite discipline. Universitatea de Medicină şi ...
*9 aprilie- Plenul Camerei Deputaţilor votează, în calitate de for decizional, proiectul de lege privind jocurile de noroc, ...