It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Everyone at my new job loves my high school bully I'm an actor and just started rehearsals for a play.
It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My boss won’t do anything about my lazy coworker I've worked for 14 years as an individual contributor ...
It’s reasonable and normal not to share pregnancy news at work (or anywhere) until you’re ready to — whether that means past your first trimester or something else. Colleagues aren’t entitled to know ...
You walked out of your job interview feeling great – you clicked with your interviewer, nailed every question, ticked all their boxes. They seemed ...
For about half a year now, I've had a colleague (let's call him Dave) who has a few strange quirks. He tends to look for my reaction at a ...
It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Can I tell my coworker to stop scrolling on her phone in meetings? I'm writing to ask how to handle a ...
My daughter applied for a job at the firm where I'm currently employed, in a department supervised by three very good friends of mine.
I'm in a weird situation with a few coworkers, and don't know what to do. My desk mate, Beth, is roommates with a coworker, Sally. Sally ...
We talk a lot here about times when you need to band together with coworkers to push back on something as a group -- an unfair policy, a problematic ...
It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My boss told me to be less harsh but I think it was a miscommunication Yesterday, I had the rare honor ...
I've read your advice that two weeks' notice before quitting is the professional standard, because it "provides time for you to wrap up ...
I’m writing on behalf of my husband, Bob, who recently left his job after two years. During his exit interview, he explained exactly why ...