The Conversation puede ser un recurso de gran utilidad para los medios de comunicación: como fuente de ideas, como localizador de expertos y como proveedor de contenido gratuito (bajo licencia ...
Talking research, issues and ideas for teachers, students and learning ...
The risk of failing to achieve external equity (or comparability with other employers) is the loss of pilots. Although there ...
The oldest man in the world, John Tinniswood, supposedly aged 112, is from a very rough part of Liverpool. The easiest explanation is that someone has written down his age wrong at some point.
Kate Winslet battled for eight long years to get her biopic of American war photographer Lee Miller made, and this week finally saw its UK release. The Lee in question is the American-born Elizabeth ...
The VMAs are always an important date in the queer cultural calendar. And the 2024 event, which took place on September 11, was no exception.
You might expect scavengers such as vultures to have a diet high in dangerous bacteria. Our study investigated what defences these animals have to help them stay healthy.
Try incorporating a stretching routine into your day. Even a quick morning stretch or yoga session can make a big difference. Yoga and Pilates are particularly effective because they combine ...
Uma experiência como chupar um picolé e vê-lo derreter numa sala de aula pode ser memorável. Entretanto, há uma diferença entre ter lembranças e ter conhecimento.
Alberto Fujimori, expresidente peruano, fallece a los 86 años, dejando un legado controvertido marcado por el autoritarismo, violaciones de derechos humanos y una profunda división en la sociedad peru ...
Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Democracia, celebrado cada 15 de septiembre, el autor analiza las causas de la erosión de este sistema político y expone las áreas críticas, identificadas por in ...
Also pleasing are the subtle references to the Jackson films. Galadriel and Elrond’s horse chase through the woods is a direct a homage to the Ringwraith’s pursuit of Frodo and Arwen in the films, ...