A Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) member has raised concern over the government’s failure to ...
The Wau Town Municipal Council on Monday unveiled a garbage collection exercise in residential areas with huge rubbish piles.
Kwongo Dak Padiet, The King (“Reth”) of the Shilluk community, has appealed to the South Sudan political leaders to reflect ...
An independent observer group, Global Network for Democratic Election Monitors (GNDEM), on Tuesday said postponing ...
Vétérinaires sans Frontières (VSF) Germany, in collaboration with UNDP, organized a community dialogue on Monday to foster ...
The Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) troops who control Wath-Lel, Jur River County, in Western Bahr el ...
Due to large swaths of land under floodwaters in Warrap State’s Tonj North County, 32 were admitted to various health ...
Unidentified assailants attacked a cattle camp in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area’s (GPAA) Muruou County ...
Officials at the Warrap State Ministry of Health and Environment on Monday said three people succumbed to snake bites this ...
تصاعد الخوف وسط اللاجئين في مخيم كالوبويي في شمال غرب كينيا، التي تضم لاجئين من جنوب السودان، بعد طعن رجل حتى الموت على يد ...
قالت مجموعة المراقبين المستقلين، “الشبكة العالمية لمراقبي الانتخابات الديمقراطية”، يوم الثلاثاء، إن تأجيل الانتخابات في ...
نظمت شبكة إعلام حوض النيل بالتعاون مع وسائل الإعلام في التعاون والتحول، وخدمة راديو شرق إفريقيا، والتعاون الألماني، ومبادرة ...