Around 560,000 children under ten have been successfully vaccinated against polio during the first round of an emergency ...
Amid continuing prohibited weapons transfers to Ukraine and Russia during the ongoing war, top disarmament and legal ...
UN humanitarians are rushing to assist scores of newly displaced people in northeast Nigeria, after torrential rains caused a ...
Amid escalating global conflicts, deepening divisions and mounting crisis, the UN Secretary-General on Friday urged everyone ...
The Iranian Government has intensified its efforts to suppress the fundamental rights of women and girls and crush remaining ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved the use of an mpox vaccine for the first time, which it says should ...
في خضم تصاعد التحديات العالمية التي تواجه البشرية - من الحروب والنزاعات إلى الكوارث الطبيعية والتطورات التكنولوجية السريعة - ...
Novos dados revelam sinergias entre os objetivos socioeconômicos e ambientais; segundo as estatísticas, mais de metade de ...
Conselho de Segurança discutiu transferência ilegal de armas no conflito Rússia-Ucrânia; alta representante para Assuntos de ...
“《新和平纲领》是一份具有远见的文件,它以冷静、现实的视角描绘了当前的威胁,”阿西夫·汗先生称赞道。“计划强调通过外交手段实现和平,并将联合国作为解决全球重大问题的平台。它还建议改进对冲突的预防工作,包括预测潜在的冲突区域。” ...
联合国秘书长 古特雷斯 和联合国大会第79届会议主席 菲勒蒙·扬 周五在纽约总部举行的“和平钟仪式”上分别发表讲话,呼吁人们“培养和平文化”,传递希望信息,让和平之声响彻整个世界。