From 1-3 September, these movies in production, from Africa and the Middle East, will be presented to industry professionals ...
L'événement rendra hommage aux directeurs de la photographie, avec Nicolas Philibert comme invité d'honneur ; des remises ...
The gathering will host a celebration of cinematography, with Nicolas Philibert as the guest of honour; special discounts are ...
The CNC will also be backing Héléna Klotz’s third feature, and the second feature films by Emmanuel Marre and Camille Ponsin ...
The artistic director of the Zurich Film Festival Dr. Christian Jungen explains how they engage with the audience ...
La direzione della fotografia sarà celebrata con Nicolas Philibert come ospite d'onore; sconti speciali sono disponibili sul sito web del festival ...
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After over 20 years together, Milo and Nadia's relationship is on the rocks. Determined to win her back, Milo decides to woo Nadia again by writing to her under a different identity, just as he did ...
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Ilija is a member of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) somewhere in Central Bosnia in late 1993. One morning, after a routine mine laying campaign, he learns his younger brother Goran was killed far ...
17/07/2024 - Ispirata a fatti reali, la storia di una donna africana trafficante di esseri umani è al centro del penetrante ...
17/07/2024 - Il secondo lungometraggio di Corrado Ceron, romantico e dolente, racconta la fine di un amore attraverso un ...