Cleaning and maintenance operations has begun at the two evaporative cooling towers which serve unit 5 of Russia’s Leningrad ...
Harry Wilson, a senior analyst at global research firm Verdantix, said research shows data centers are now the 10th largest ...
Harry Wilson, a senior analyst at global research firm Verdantix, said research shows data centers are now the 10th largest ...
However, they often miss the water-energy nexus where they can gain a deeper understanding of their full environmental impact ...
Around 36,000 schools in the U.S. are in need of updated heating and cooling systems, according to the Government ...
The New Scientist article referenced in the post reported that seasonal cooling in part of the Atlantic Ocean occurred more ...
The Vision EQXX concept car already did that with regular cells, which was not the best strategy, but now we may know why ...
Ima Life partnered with MiraI Intex and the US company ACT to develop Kryoair, a revolutionary air-based refrigeration system ...
Ignoring proper air conditioning management raises your energy bills, decreases the efficiency of your system and ultimately ...
The first DOE challenge-designated cold-climate heat pumps are slated for production beginning this month at Carrier’s ...