12 - 5 = 7 Just like with addition, we can use a part-whole model to help partition larger numbers to make them easier to deal with in subtraction problems. First, partition 35 into 30 and 5.
Let’s see if you’ve got enough. Why don’t you start by counting up the astro bugs? 1… 2… 3. Then the space grubs. That’s 1… 2… 3… 4… 5. Now all ...
Nanoscience and technology is the branch of science that studies systems and manipulates matter on atomic, molecular and supramolecular scales (the nanometre scale). On such a length scale ...
Tell us what kind of digital resources would help with your teaching.
Two contestants pit their linguistic and numerical skills against each other and the clock in this entertaining quiz show. Two contestants pit their linguistic and numerical skills against each ...
A decades-long survey of a nearby galaxy has detected signals consistent with ancient black holes that could explain dark matter — but the objects would have to be at least ten times more ...