The Allan Labor Government is giving regional communities the chance to present more shows, gigs and performances in their own town with new grants to put on events that will boost local economies.
The Victorian Government has welcomed a new coroner with the appointment of Dimitra Dubrow. Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes today congratulated Ms Dubrow on her appointment to the Coroners Court of ...
The Allan Labor Government is revitalising the corridor between the Shrine of Remembrance to Port Phillip Bay. Minister for Environment Steve Dimopoulos today unveiled the masterplan for the Shrine to ...
The Allan Labor Government is working to improve the cancer survival rate across Victoria – launching its next innovative plan to boost access to care, treatment and support for all Victorians, after ...
The Albanese Labor Government and Allan Labor Government are working together to deliver a groundbreaking support program for Victorian adults experiencing psychological distress. Victorian Minister ...
The Allan Labor Government is working closely with governments across Australia to give more women and girls the chance to be leaders of their sporting clubs – from the grassroots level to the elite.
Preparations for the Victorian First Peoples Art and Design Fair is gaining pace with the appointment of two curators and support for eight First Peoples organisations across the state to generate a ...
The iconic showbags for this year’s Melbourne Royal Show have been given the official tick of approval from Consumer Affairs Victoria inspectors after passing the mandatory safety checks. Assistant ...
A free, step-by-step guide will help Victoria’s tourism operators to capture and consider the views of locals as the sector works towards more sustainable tourism practices. Minister for Tourism, ...
The Allan Labor Government is investing $30,000 to support local businesses in East Gippsland to expand and create more job opportunities. Minister for Agriculture Ros Spence today announced $30,000 ...
Today the Commonwealth Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide handed down its final report. This will be a difficult time for some in the Defence and veteran community. We extend our ...
The AFL Grand Final Parade will now give footy fans closer access to their heroes than ever before with a new route through the iconic Melbourne Park and MCG precincts, thanks to support from the ...