Ugandans want the right to elect their political leaders and to hold them accountable when they go off the tracks ...
Mr Akankwasah Barirega, the Executive Director of NEMA emphasised that these regulations are crucial for safeguarding human ...
The study also analysed how women are covered and framed in East African media. It revealed a concerning trend where a high ...
The district leaders say the conditions in the camps are deteriorating rapidly and the people are at high risk of contracting ...
The prosecution further stated that the duo deposited murram into a section of Lwajali wetland system measuring 0.8 acres ...
Court records show that Dr Eron committed the crime while serving as Dean of the Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation ...
Jinja North MP, Mr David Aga Isabirye, stated that each MP from Busoga Sub-region received 10 heifers to distribute among ...
The government-aided school, part of the Universal Primary Education (UPE) programme, caters to special needs pupils, ...
A section of youth leaders in 10 percent of the districts in Uganda are currently embroiled in a fight over Shs1million that ...
The national carrier, Uganda Airlines has announced three additional routes that it will be operating in its aviation ...
Rent values are subjective and are more art than science. Many of these valuations are based on some degree of factual ...