A prolific shoplifter has been banned from several supermarkets in part of Kent after stealing items on numerous occasions.
A woman has told of how her partner saved a four-year-old boy from a house fire that killed the youngster’s parents. The ...
Humza Yousaf and his wife have welcomed a new baby girl into the world. Nadia El-Nakla gave birth to Liyana Jenin Yousaf on ...
A closure notice has been extended for a flat plagued by anti-social behaviour with the former tenant now evicted.
A “spreadsheet issue” led to more than 6,000 votes being missed from the declaration of the election result in Putney. Labour ...
Crime rips communities apart leaving too many people vulnerable and open to exploitation,’ a London MP has told the House of ...
Text describing Liz Truss’s mini-budget as a “disaster” has been removed from Government documents after the former prime ...
A local authority under new leadership has made a U-turn on its stance to extend a quarry amid concerns it will impact an ...
A devastated pet owner is warning dog walkers to be more vigilant after his cat was shot by a suspected pellet gun before ...
A Conservative MP has recalled witnessing Stevie Wonder 10-pin bowling in Wolverhampton, adding: “He was actually quite good.
Ebbsfleet manager Danny Searle has made his eighth new signing of the summer. The Fleet boss has signed 28-year-old former ...
Sir Keir Starmer has said he is pleased to have the opportunity to “reset” the UK’s relationship with Ireland. The Prime ...