The Bundeswehr is paying Airbus 2.1 billion euros for the development of the military communication system, which is intended ...
In Formula 1, cars, drivers and communication work together. The Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team cooperates with TeamViewer and ...
"Not everyone will be able to program thanks to AI": Jeanine Banks, VP and General Manager for Developers at Google, in an ...
Scientists simulated the collapse of a hypothetical warp drive for the first time and discovered characteristic gravitational ...
The fact that current AI is writing specialist essays and passing university exams cannot remain without consequences for ...
Conversations with artificial intelligence turn out to be tedious and frustrating. You ask a question, wait for the answer, ...
After the European Championship exit against Spain, the German coach criticizes the assessment of controversial situations, ...
Anglers and environmentalists are increasingly concerned about soft plastic fishing lures. These baits are often lost while ...
The electronic patient record (EPR) will soon be available automatically for all those who do not object. The data from the ...
Apple is already working with TSMC on the M5 SoC. It should also be specifically suitable for server operation. A new ...
Panasonic modernizes a seven-year-old camera, Pixii introduces another exotic product and Microsoft considers the entire ...
This week, the gallery photographers show us how to create unique images from different angles.