Sleeping long hours one night but only a few hours the next can be unhealthy, with a new study finding "irregular" s ...
Children exposed to antibiotics at a young age may face an increased risk of asthma later in life. But researchers say a ...
In a joint effort to curb the illegal sales of food products containing delta-8 THC, the U.S. Food and Drug Admini ...
Most salmonella outbreaks linked to poultry are caused by just a few strains of the diarrhea-causing bacteria, a ne ...
Bicycling to work can vastly improve your health and reduce your risk of death, a new study shows.People who bike c ...
Exercise near bedtime won’t necessarily wreck a person’s sleep, a new study says.Intense exercise is typically disc ...
WEDNESDAY, July 17, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Just two years after the launch of the nation's three-digit crisis hotline, more ...
But experts say no one should panic, because good sleep brings good health and doesn't signal the end of the relationship ...
WEDNESDAY, July 17, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Dropping weight prior to competition is a common practice among athletes. But ...
WEDNESDAY, July 17, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Defiance, tantrums, aggression: All signs of a condition called conduct disorder ...