FRAM researcher Bethanie Carney Almroth and Sylvain Bintein from the European Commission will give a joint webinar on the Global Plastic Treaty negotiations. There will be an overview of the treaty ...
In the autumn semester of 2024, seven PhD students from our partner university Universidad Mayor de San Simón in Bolivia will visit the School of Global Studies. During their visit, several research ...
Alena Seredko, Department of Education, Communication and Learning is defending her thesis with the title Doing Knowledge @Scale: Sociomaterial Practices and Professional Learning of Software ...
Anton Shumeika graduated in 2012 from the Software Engineering and Management programme in Gothenburg and today he works as… Verena Schödl took on project management and communication at Volvo Cars ...
Title ”Drivers affecting seagrass meadows: An approach for conservation and restoration in Mozambique” Opponent Scientific Researcher, Managing Director Teresa Alcoverro, The Blanes Centre for ...
To help those who want to find relevant articles written by GPCC-researchers we have created a database consisting of peer-reviewed publications from the year 2010 until July 2024 using an affiliation ...
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ragnar Hultborn, Professor Emeritus of Oncology, after a long illness. He is survived by his wife Lilian and their daughters, Helena and Lisa.
Title ”Unveiling latent variables affecting protein interactions using survivin as a model protein” Opponent Professor Monika Fuxreiter, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, ...
Half Time Seminar at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy.
The Broman Foundation for Research and Entrepreneurship has decided to appoint Svante Prado as one of a total of five scholarship recipients in 2024. The Broman scholarship concerns research with a ...
Welcome to a seminar with Larissa Bolte, researcher at the Institute for Science and Ethics at the University of Bonn.
No compulsory literature only recommended reading: Arnould, E. J., & Price, L. L. (1993). River magic: Extraordinary experience and the extended service encounter ...