A disease dubbed “the silent killer” by the World Health Organization may now be detected using the sound of a patient’s voice. Researchers at Klick Labs have announced their latest work using ...
Most American adults spend a majority of their day in front of a screen. This increasingly sedentary lifestyle can cause a number of adverse health side effects, including a higher risk of cancer, ...
As the world grows “smarter” through the adoption of smartphones, smart fridges, and entire smart houses, the carbon cost of that technology grows, too. In the last decade, electronic waste has become ...
Meatless Monday might have just gotten a whole lot more interesting. A research team at Germany’s University of Tübingen recently created a new protein product using some easy-to-source ingredients — ...
As climate change wages on, and wildfires become a greater — and more deadly — threat, innovation is necessary to save lives and ecosystems. A group of four students from the Royal College of Art and ...
— African Parks, which manages national parks in several countries across the continent, plans to rewild all 2,000 southern white rhinos from Platinum Rhino, winding up John Hume’s controversial ...
The science backs up what many of us already know to be true: Consuming news about the world’s challenges is stressful. It’s so stressful, in fact, that it can even keep us up at night. Reading good ...
The Washington State University Breadlab would like to set the record straight on a common assumption. “The first thing you need to know about us,” says an introduction on the Breadlab website, “is ...
As clean energy wins continue to surge across the globe, individual countries and industries are lauded for their commitment to pivoting away from greenhouse gasses and reducing carbon emissions. As ...
In both the United States and Canada, there are nearly half a million sexual assault cases reported every year — with countless more going unreported. For researchers at the University of Toronto, ...
Clowns can solve a lot more than just a broken funny bone, according to a new study. As it turns out, spending time with a medical clown can shorten the length of hospital stays for children — ...
While strolling through neighborhoods throughout the United States, it has become increasingly common to stumble upon a Little Free Library — a small, often rectangular or birdhouse-shaped structure ...