The Chief Minister has spoken to the new Foreign Secretary as the process of engaging with the Labour Government begins.
Fabian Picardo closed the budget session by attempting to clear up public misconceptions as well as counter-attack the ...
The GGCA has formed a working group that will look at pay and work conditions, following a unanimous vote by shop stewards. Union president, Darren Cerisola, said the group will be looking at ...
In his first budget address, Giovanni Origo called for more investment in youth development, sustainability, heritage ...
The Football Association kicked off a new street football programme at the Dolphins Youth Club. Our sports reporter, Jose ...
The Federation of Small Businesses says it wasn't surprised by much in the budget announcement, but does highlight increases that go beyond the rate of inflation. Daniel Delgado also argued that while ...
Following a second demonstration against the budget measures this week, protesters will be structuring to select representatives. The Chief Minister has offered to meet with them on Monday morning, at ...
The Nautilus Project has confirmed the orange scum seen on the East Side is in fact an algae, commonly known as Sea Sparkle.
Grahame Jackson, Chair of the Association of Tax Advisers spoke to Iain Triay-Clarence.
The Calentita Food Festival is back this weekend. Spread across the Piazza, boulevard, and stretching to Campion Park, most of us know what to expect by now a mix of old favourites and new additions..
Opposition Leader Keith Azopardi says his party is focusing on the issues that matter to people and on telling it straight.
The Opposition used its last Budget speech to make the case it had been a bad week for the Government. Damon Bossino claimed Fabian Picardo has lost all political credibility and people simply don’t ...