Stine, MD, MPH, and Brooke Mills, MD, discuss how rheumatologists support the sexual & reproductive health needs of their ...
New research suggests that a majority of patients with endometrial cancer may have tumors with a HER2 score of 2+ or higher.
Levothyroxine treatment was associated with a reduced risk for major adverse cardiovascular events among patients with subclinical hypothyroidism.
In a fully adjusted model based on pooled data, the risk of a 40% or greater eGFR decline or end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) was significantly increased 55% per doubling of annual average baseline ...
Both Headspace and Silvercloud – mobile apps for mental health – are associated with significant improvements in depression and anxiety.
For patients with resistant hypertension, a quadruple single pill is superior to triple therapy, according to a study.
Taking blood pressure medications in the morning or at night does not impact outcomes, according to a study presented.
Food consumption, particularly of oats and fruits, was associated with an increased risk for type 1 diabetes among genetically predisposed children.
The suicide rate among preteens in the United States increased from 2008 through 2022, with an annual percentage change of 8.19%.
The most reliable approach to reclassifying patients with probable Meniere disease includes the combination of ECochG and MRI with MD-protocol.
Systemic glucocorticoid therapy exposure was associated with a two-fold increased risk for new-onset diabetes among hospitalized patients.
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies were associated with a higher risk for progression from gestational subclinical hypothyroidism to overt hypothyroidism.