EVERY Zimbabwean should play their part in the drive to grow the economy for the quick attainment of Vision 2030 of an ...
“Food production is also an important area because as correctional and prison services, we need to make sure that no prisoner ...
GOVERNMENT has lifted the ban on holiday classes for examination classes but maintains its position that pupils should rest ...
IAN Prior’s return to Zimbabwe to represent his country at the forthcoming 2024 Rugby Africa Cup has been a surreal moment ...
Peter Matika,[email protected] A PUBLIC prosecutor based at the Bulawayo Magistrates’ court housed at Tredgold building, ...
THE United States says it is ready to upscale its relations with Zimbabwe and to become a reliable and consistent partner of ...
A TOTAL of 119 Wards in the Midlands province has received their full three-month grain allocation as the Government expedites the distribution of food aid so that no one dies of hunger, the Minister ...
This renewal is done through a process of professionalising the party. GN: Kindly elaborate that idea. OM: You recall that we ...
In a letter addressed to the United States President, Mr Joe Biden, expressing the country’s shock over Mr Trump’s attack, ...
LOCAL, small-to-medium poultry producers have bemoaned illicit imports sold at sub-economic rates for threatening to force ...
“The UK Diaspora significantly contributes to Zimbabwe’s economy, with over US$500 million in annual remittances and direct ...
THE Minister of Local Government and Public Works Daniel Garwe is today expected to headline the Urban Councils Association ...