This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. Here are the rules for the ...
We talk a lot here about times when you need to band together with coworkers to push back on something as a group -- an unfair policy, a problematic ...
It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My boss told me to be less harsh but I think it was a miscommunication Yesterday, I had the rare honor ...
I've read your advice that two weeks' notice before quitting is the professional standard, because it "provides time for you to wrap up ...
I am a manager, and I've heard you speak many times about how the best gift to a manager is a personal note about how the work we've done ...
I currently work in a management role in a government agency. For anyone who cares to do a quick Google/LinkedIn search, it is clear from ...
One of my coworkers was laid off two weeks ago. She was an easy choice because her work and attitude weren't great. Her office was next ...
Last week we talked about office contests gone awry. Here are 13 of the funniest stories you shared. 1. The bugs Early in my career as a software ...
It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My coworker doesn’t listen and then pretends she was never told I'm having an issue with my coworker, ...
I work in a preclinical (no patients) research lab in a hospital. The team involved in our day-to-day work is small, consisting of three ...
I've read the many times you've talked about how to not annoy hiring managers or badger them, but I'm wondering if I'm finding my ...
Remember the letter-writer whose boss reprimanded them for not answering an email in four minutes? Here’s the update. Your response was really helpful.