It supports countries in addressing the implications of the demographic process through analytical work, technical advice, ...
Providing care for older parents or parents-in-law significantly reduces the probability of employment and annual earnings, ...
It is important to define an operational framework for addressing NCDs in low- and middle-income countries. The healthy longevity framework visualizes three main channels through which NCDs may ...
Gender gaps in access to, and use of health and long-term care services affect both women and men, albeit differently. While male mortality due to key non-communicable diseases (NCDs), particularly in ...
This compendium is a compilation of 18 chapters, each exploring a different but related topic in the nexus of NCDs, human capital, and productivity. It is based on a series of analytical work taken ...
The Syrian Civil War in 2011 led to a substantial influx of refugees into Jordan, with more than 660,000 Syrians arriving by ...
At least two-thirds of the global extreme poor will be living in fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS) by 2030. Geographies dominated by latent, manifest, and escalating violent conflict ...
Well-designed, high integrity carbon markets can play a pivotal role in financing climate action in developing countries. However, several critical bottlenecks impede the growth of these markets. The ...
An important investment, the sustainable use of groundwater for irrigation, has the potential to increase agricultural ...
This paper presents an evaluation of a tax enforcement program conducted in Indonesia where officials from the tax authority visited properties to engage directly with owners about their property tax ...
This paper characterizes economically optimal investments in Africa’s road network in partial and general equilibrium —based ...
India needs to diversify its exports and increase its participation in Global Value Chains (GVCs). Over the past decades, ...