China's strategy to counter U.S. aircraft carriers involves deploying anti-ship and hypersonic missiles to deter their ...
Our Air Force cannot afford to focus solely on the F-35 to defeat China with air superiority. Next-generation technology is ...
As warfare evolves, traditional military strategies and platforms must adapt or face obsolescence. The U.S. military, heavily ...
The B-21 Raider, set to replace the B-2 Spirit as the U.S. Air Force's premier stealth bomber, recently completed its first ...
Despite numerous setbacks and financial constraints, the Soviet Union and its successor, Russia, have persistently attempted ...
Lightning II fighter jets was conducted in November 2018 at Hill Air Force Base in Utah. And it made history for a lot of ...
Originally built for the Imperial Iranian Navy, the Kidd-class destroyers found a new home with the navy of Taiwan following ...
The Iowa-class battleships, designed to counter the Imperial Japanese Navy in the mid-20th century, became iconic for their ...
Despite its advantages, only two Sierra I submarines were built due to the high cost and labor involved in working with ...
A durable peace in Sudan’s civil war is only possible if negotiations include civil society groups, not just the warring ...
On October 2, 2021, the USS Connecticut, a Seawolf-class fast attack submarine, struck an unmarked seamount in the South ...
Kuznetsov's inability to remain at sea perhaps proves that nations require more than one aircraft carrier to be effective.