This distinctive aroma is scientifically called "petrichor." In Greek, "petra" means "stone," and "ichor" refers to "the ...
Researchers gathered a group of eight volunteers and recorded their brain activity using an MRI scanner as participants spent ...
Unicorns appear in the Bible, on Renaissance paintings, in children's fairy tales, on t-shirts, and phone cases. Find out how ...
The second wave is the well-known medieval “Black Death.” From 1348 to 1352, it spread throughout Europe, reaching even ...
Egyptians ate much less meat than bread because raising livestock without large pastures was a challenging task. Studies of ...
The phrase, which translated from Latin means "God wills it! (Deus vult)" and is featured in the subtitle of the article, ...
We will explain why young men needed boards for meetings with their loved ones and why true knights always had teary eyes.
Bulls with built-in flamethrowers, worms as punishment for sins, and heartless witches who take away the most important ...
Where did the Quran come from, how do Shiites differ from Sunnis, what is Sharia, and how do Muslim women dress: everything ...
Is it true that Peter I killed his own son? Did he cut off beards with an axe? Was he swapped at birth? Did he hate Russia?
Did Alexander Nevsky like to cut off noses and gouge out eyes? Or was he really a monk and corresponded with the Pope? Did he ...
Everyone knows about knightly tournaments. Two strong men in heavy armor mount their horses, take blunted lances, and charge ...