They had started to feature in detective fiction too. It was studying the burgeoning market in ‘lady detective’ stories ...
We learn about Lovelock’s efforts to find life on Mars, his invention of the electron capture detector (ECD), which revealed ...
But Hope I Get Old Before I Die is different, because it’s a book that, since rock and roll’s infancy, nobody thought they’d ...
This review will be an all-round disappointment. It will, and indeed should, disappoint David McWilliams. He deserves no less. But it will also, I fear, disappoint readers of Literary Review, ...
Do you know what happened in Lyon in AD 177? Or in Milan in 1300? Or in Baroda in 1825? You probably don’t, but you shouldn’t worry: few do. Whatever happened, it was, by ordinary standards, something ...
Western Europe is in the grip of a cultural illness that is sapping its will to live, claims Douglas Murray in this hard-hitting polemic. Unprecedented levels of immigration, especially from the ...
In late 2022, at the G20 summit held at a balmy resort in Bali, Indonesia, the prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, ...
It’s no use pretending that this book will be of interest to every Literary Review reader, so let's get rid of the riffraff: Shots From the Hip is a collection of the pop journalist Charles Shaar ...
‘My whole life has been a search for the miraculous,’ Bruce Chatwin says. Each of these essays, fragments and sketches written between 1972 and the author’s recent death are way-stations in the search ...
Amid all this, it’s undeniable that when it comes to what we serve up to the young, the dulcis (‘sweet’) and the utilis ...
A curious patchwork of autobiography, cultural history and nature writing, novelist Edward Parnell’s first non-fictional work, Ghostland, explores the haunted places of the British Isles as he ...
The London art market has changed drastically in the last few decades. Regency-style dealerships have been replaced by white-box-style galleries. Only contemporary pieces turn a profit.