The Africa's Got Game small business incubator and digital hub has launched in the Western Cape, for the good of local ...
For just R99 per month over 12 months, residents in Nomzamo receive a Peco Power PowerBrick which is recharged using solar ...
Scammers are hard at working trying to separate Olympic Games attendees from their money. Kaspersky has detected a number of ...
In 2023, 95 percent of all venture capital investments in blockchain technology on the African continent were recorded by two ...
NSFAS says that it will appeal a decision from the Western Cape High Court to reinstate fintech partners eZaga and others.
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition is a very odd little title. As a way to repackage and again resell older games, ...
A survey by Sophos reveals how well companies improved their cyber insurance by improving their defences. As many as 74 ...
Standard Bank data says 52 percent of entry level private banking clients have less than one month of their salary in ...
Elon Musk has reacted strongly to the passing of a new Bill in California regarding the disclosure of student sexuality in ...
The vivo V30 5G is a solid smartphone offering from the brand, but in our review we compare it to cheaper local competitors ...
A dataset used by Apple, Nvidia, Salesforce and Anthropic reportedly contains subtitles and transcripts from popular YouTube ...
Anthropic has announced the availability of its Claude app on Android devices. The app features the company’s Claude 3.5 ...