We heard 947 can detect FPD Lock and video Lock, we known FPD Lock is the bit 7 of register 0x5A, but what is the video lock of 947? And we heard the new version of 947 does not need the tempature ...
i am assigning this thread to BQ team. On AM62x side we do not have any guidance on charging in Linux. We do not have any hardware/ software in this context on AM62 EVM/ SDK ...
When paralleling two LMG3522R030Q1 devices for higher current applications, what considerations should we take into account in our power supply, isolator section, or other components? Is there any ...
May I have question about MCU+SDK MMCSD API and example? I am testing on SDK v9.2, sysconfig 1.20, CCS12.7. My customer want to use 4-bit data line mode. I think the "mmcsd_file_io_am64x-evm_*" ...
At present, the plan is to use the CNT/DLY3 delay function in TPLD1201 to insert a set of complementary PWM signals into the dead time. Could you tell me what is the underlying mechanism for ...
We have an RFQ from a European Customer for a Car Wireless Charging solution (Automotive). Apparently, We're looking forward to build a POC for the Wireless charging solution with a charging rate of ...
I cannot find absmax drive current for the SPI1_SCLK pin. Our design has 2 processors sharing the same copper for the SPI bus. One drives the SPI bus while the other processor is booting. I would like ...
I'm attempting to create a dual integrator to measure distance from an accelerometer. We have the ACF2101 but we need a larger capacitor for the integration time which is 2 seconds. Schematic is here.
I am building a custom board for TMS570LS0432 IC . I require your help regarding the following issue: How is the power dissipation of the TMS570LS0432 IC calculated? I require it for thermal design of ...
We met a weird problem when we doing high temperature test for our battery charge product. The system runned for about half an hour and then the CAN singal get lost,and never recover after power off ...
I start to familiarize myself with the new TPLD devices and I built a test-file for different delay options. Your suggestion above seems to work in my file, but the ...
I am not able to initialize the dac on cpu2 as you can see in the screenshot below DACREFSEL and DACOUTEN are still shows 0, where as I did the same thing on cpu1 (just to test) but I was able to see ...