The nutrition our bodies require also varies from one moment to the next. Personalised nutrition can help people live ...
We collect and process your data on this site to better understand how it is used. You can give your consent to all or ...
Shipping contributes significantly to the poor air quality, accounting for more than 50% of emissions of ultrafine ...
TNO, in collaboration with Defence and international partners, is researching the impact of sonar exercises on marine mammal ...
The Dutch government presented a North Sea gas production acceleration plan on 15 July 2022. The current cabinet's outline agreement also mentions scaling up gas production in the North Sea. The ...
To cease the production of plastic packaging from fossil sources by 2050, additional policies are essential. This is the conclusion of a joint study by TNO, RIVM, Utrecht University, and ...
A kitchen cabinet, a slip, a glass door – we all hit our heads so hard sometimes that we’re left feeling dizzy. We may have to sit for a while, but then we’re able to move on. But do you also recover ...
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