Alligare is described online as "a selective herbicide that provides effective broadleaf weed and brush control in corn, small grains, soybeans, rangelands, pastures, lawns, ornamentals ...
To maximize product performance and minimize the risk of herbicide failure, factor in weed-killer type, weeds it should attack, and other properties when choosing the right commercial weed killer.
A surfactant like the Alligare 90 Non-Ionic Surfactant from Amazon helps enhance the herbicide's effectiveness. And given the tenacity of chamberbitter weed, a spot treatment (four to six weeks ...
The mode-of-action is the overall manner in which a herbicide affects a plant at the tissue or cellular level. Herbicides with the same mode-of- action will have the same translocation (movement) ...
EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pesticide Programs Jake Li at CropLife America's annual regulatory conference on April 16 (Photo: CropLife) EPA’s final herbicide strategy, designed to ...
When forage competition is weakened, or when intolerable weed species are present, herbicide applications are often needed to manage weeds. Control vs. Renovation Forage stands should be evaluated to ...
Preemergent herbicide is a weed killer applied to soil before weeds germinate. Measuring soil temperatures is the best way to determine when to apply preemergent. Several varieties of preemergent ...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final version of its Herbicide Strategy, which is intended to protect more than 900 federally endangered and threatened species from the ...
DETERMINATION of residues has become an important aspect of herbicidal research. Efforts are continually being made to increase the sensitivity of known tests for the chemical analysis of a large ...
It's in breakfast cereals, gardens and garages, and it might be dangerous. Glyphosate, a chemical that kills weeds, is the most widely used herbicide in the country. It is in over 750 products ...
If you only have crabgrass, you have the option to use herbicide blends that contain diquat which will control the annual weed. It’s cheaper and works immediately. However, if your lawn has both ...
Diquat is a non-selective herbicide that kills or harm a wide range of plants when it meets them. It is absorbed by plant leaves and causes direct cell tissue destruction and increase the ...