The third day of the Republican National Convention will kick off in Milwaukee with Republicans shifting their focus to ...
Party President Mark Pack writes about the general election, initial thoughts on lessons and what the Federal Board is up to ...
This is the first time since December 2019 that Brits have had the chance to deliver a major shake-up within the House of ...
Nearly 50% of people who would vote for Biden, a third-party candidate or are undecided say he should stay in the race, while ...
Candidates have raised millions of dollars across many contentious races to represent Silicon Valley, on national, state and ...
The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have issued a bulletin to law enforcement across the country warning them ...
Voter turnout is reported to have been the lowest since 2001 in last week’s UK general election, at just 59.9 per cent. At ...
The tectonic plates of British politics have shifted after Britons resoundingly voted to put an end to 14 years of ...
The answer is yes if the Democratic National Committee chooses to, but the party - and Biden - have about two months maximum ...
Labour surged to a landslide victory in Britain's parliamentary election, ending 14 years of often tumultuous Conservative ...
As the final results of the UK election are counted, a number of trends are becoming clear. Here’s what to know about a ...
Political analysts say there are a few impacts on both sides of the aisle. Former President Donald Trump told the Washington ...